Ahli AJK


  1. Greetings,

    As an occupant of pangsapuri ceria, i am highly glad to see there is a space created here to share the issues faced here and also to exchange information among ourselves. it have been nearly 11 years i have been living here as an owner for a unit at Block B. what i would like to highlight here is the parking issues being faced by mostly from Block A and Block B is getting worse to worst. The is no more parking available for the occupants of Pangsapuri Ceria due to outsiders vehicles is vacant at our parking space. As in the meeting held recently by this organisation, i am aware there have been some suggestions about the stickers on the vehicles for occupants of Pangsapuri Ceria. It is a godd suggestion but the matter is when will this be implimented? how long do we have to suffer by contributing monthly fees but ends up of getting nothing as a result. And also the roads around the four blocks,A B C and D is heavily damaged and it have been lasting for years and i am very confused on how long more it have to be there. There is also also issue regarding enviroment. Since the organisation is beeing brought up, i only noticed there was only one time the field was being cleaned up by cutting all the grown grass. its been more than 2 months since that action was last taken. the drains around the blocks are also being blocked and this leads to critical level of mosquitos existances and this may also lead to increases case for Dengue cases. i hope these issues will and should be solved as soon as possible.

    thanks and regards,

    on behalf of Block B,
    Pangsapuri Ceria.

  2. For whom its concern,

    For your information behalf of Persatuan Penduduk Pangsapuri Ceria, we appericiate your comment.

    1. Regarding the parking issues that all the residents encounter nowdays, we already address the issue to JMB ( Joint Management Body ) Of Pangsapuri Ceria. And at the moment their working on the matter. Regarding the Car Sticker that we informed earlier in our meeting we would implement as sooner as possible, and those who left the car unused to long time we will stick 14 days Notice Letter to them to remove the car from the place, or the vehicale will be towed.

    2. For Your Kind information the maintanence of the Building, Roads, Street Light, Staircase light, or anyhting due to Pangsapuri Ceria Maintanence is Under ( JMB ).
    We already address the issues about the roads to JMB, Even we address the issue to MPSJ by Handing Over Official Letters.About The payment that made by tenants are to JMB, and we dont involve in JMB Issues, But we will address the issues to JMB.

    3. As acting Persatuan Penduduk we will arrange as much as possible of gotong royong to make sure our Place are clean and safer for our living environment.

    4. Coming on 22/6/2014 Persatuan penduduk Pangsapuri Ceria is arranging another Gotong Royong with MPSJ and Jabatan Kesihatan Malaysia, to cleanup the drainage and the prevent Jentik jentik from Our place.

    At last we would to thank you for the above comment.
    Please attached your mail address next time so we can reply fast.
